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  • 🌍 EU Sets Global Standard with AI Act Approval

🌍 EU Sets Global Standard with AI Act Approval

PLUS: Sam Altman's Fusion Energy Dream

Welcome All. Kickstart your Monday with a sassy slice of AI news! The AI landscape is clearly heating up, with regulatory, ethical, and technological advancements shaping our future. Let’s dive in:


The EU has just set the bar for global AI regulation, green-lighting the AI Act. Meanwhile, former President Trump labeled AI as "maybe the most dangerous thing out there," while Sam Altman teases us with glimpses of the Polaris Project, his venture into nuclear fusion power. OpenAI hinted at a GPT-4 update and launched a new ChatGPT app for Apple's Vision Pro, signaling a leap in wearable AI integration. Apple itself is eyeing the acquisition of Brighter AI to bolster the privacy features of its Vision Pro. Google is rebranding Bard to Gemini. Hugging Face dropped an open source AI bot builder. And Meta is “playing to win” in the AI race using your Instagram & Facebook data to train its machines (touché).

The AI hiring scene is a mixed bag: a makeup artist loses her job to an AI recruitment tool critiquing her body language, while others face the unnerving reality of AI chatbots as interviewers (imagine getting ghosted by a bot). Meanwhile, some companies are flirting with the idea of a 4-day workweek thanks to AI, while scammers used deepfake CFOs on video call to con a company out of $25 mil. A new AI tool claims it can dig up any photo of you EVER posted online—privacy, who? Police are turning to AI to sift through body-cam footage to identify problematic officers. And for those seeking more... unconventional AI applications, the world's first AI sex doll brothel opens, blurring the lines between tech and intimacy.




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